Agriculture Project
Provide villagers with increased nourishment by teaching proper gardening techniques and installing a drip system
Kemogolas’s increasing nourishment through drip-line irrigation
Kemogola is a remote village located in southern Mali. There are roughly 3,100 villagers, including three classrooms of 176 students. Basic nutrition was not available or understood.
The Mali Wellness Foundation drilled a deep well system (380 feet) that does not dry up in the summer months. The system includes a newly designed filtration system to ensure pure, potable water for both the school and the village. The well connects to a drip-line irrigation system bringing water to the community vegetable garden (12 rows of seeds) which provides meal supplementation for hundreds of villagers.
Villagers were trained to plant beets, okra, green beans, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Four banana trees were also planted.
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